
I am an Information Systems student at the Estácio de Sá University. I have a technical background in Informatics with a focus on software development at Centro Educacional Fucapi. Currently I have been studying web development, information security, servers and communication protocols.

I am passionate about Linux, open source, agility, communities, sharing knowledge and the power of free access to information. I believe that information in the right hands has the power to move mountains, offer opportunities and better conditions for society.

The love for computing came when I was 12 when I had access to the computer for the first time, I was impressed with the power of the machine. Years later I enrolled in the Computer Technician, that’s when I came across programming, in which I dedicate myself looking for knowledge.

When we die,
nothing can be taken with us,
with the exception of the seeds
sown by our work and our knowledge.

Dalai Lama 


  • 2018 - 2021

Bachelor of Information Systems

University Estácio de Sá

São Paulo, SP

  • 2017 - 2018

Computer Technician

Educational Center Fucapi

Manaus, AM


HTML CSS Bootstrap Jquery

PHP JavaScript JAVA C

Laravel React NodeJS

MySQL PostgreSQL SQLite MongoDB

Git Linux Windows

See my projects on GitHub.

Nerd stats

codersrank.io | sourcerer.io


If you want to chat, you can contact me through my social networks, I am happy to help.

Linkedin Twitter Facebook Email